Dreamcatcher vs Dream Builders – Unconscious Formations and Sustainability

Michael Chandy Jul 30, 2021

Sifting through the numerous quotes on dreams, I realized that we are constantly driven by the need of dreams. Ingrained in the psyche we are living our lives with many dreams. Unaware we pursue dreams some which create virtuous cycles, some which create vicious cycles unaware.

Public Wealth and Sustainability

Michael Chandy Aug 23, 2020

“If these idiots would just take the bus, I could be home by now”, snarled a car driver stuck in a traffic jam. The conundrum of public wealth versus private wealth is evident.

Japanese Sensibilities and Sustainability

Michael Candy Jul 22, 2021

Shouldn’t life be like an ensemble where multitudes of sensibilities from the past, together with newly created and improvised by your ingenuity, take you to living in the moment? We live in a journey between past and future and slowly find our creative space to live in the moment.